Why is Swimsuit Shopping for Teens So Hard? (And How to Make it Easier)

3 Keys to Confident Teen Girls
Self-esteem, confidence, or whatever term you want to use...most of us want our teenagers to have it. Confidence can help them resist negative peer pressure, become leaders, and create overall...
3 Keys to Confident Teen Girls
Self-esteem, confidence, or whatever term you want to use...most of us want our teenagers to have it. Confidence can help them resist negative peer pressure, become leaders, and create overall...

Why is Swimsuit Shopping for Teens so Hard? (An...
Here's the deal: When I was doing prototypes for these swimsuits, there was nothing to work off of with our manufactuers. They had girly little girl swimsuits and cheeky, strappy...
Why is Swimsuit Shopping for Teens so Hard? (An...
Here's the deal: When I was doing prototypes for these swimsuits, there was nothing to work off of with our manufactuers. They had girly little girl swimsuits and cheeky, strappy...