Daisy Bouquet
Daisy Bouquet
Our Daisy Bouquet is perfect for a little mix and match fun. This bundle includes our Orange Tiny Daisy Bottoms and our Poppy Cross Back Top and Rashie
Sizing and Fit
Sizing and Fit
Care Instructions
Care Instructions
We know you want your swimsuit to last, but no one has a time for a lot of fuss!
Rinse in cold water. Lay or hang your swimsuit to dry.
Do not tumble dry.
(Heat will compromise the elastic and fade the fabric faster!)
Shipping and Returns
Shipping and Returns
Orders over $70 ship for free
All other orders under $70 be charged a standard $5 shipping fee.
Exchanges are free! You will be sent a return label and you can reorder at your own convenience.
Returns are subject to a $5 restocking fee. Returns will be refunded as soon we receive them.
To start a return or exchange go to:
The fastest way to exchange is to return the item you have, and once the return is accepted, make a separate purchase for the new item. Exchanged items must be repurchased within 14 days or the restocking fee of $5 will be applied to the refund.